Learn how to increase your company’s value by 50% or more.
We’ll get you there, using the 8 value drivers of operational and market performance.
Here’s an overview of what to expect during the Business Value Transformation Program process.
Business Value Transformation Program12 Months
During this time, we’ll check in weekly via email as well as meet virtually two times per month to cover the following topics:
Assessing Your Current State and RoadmapMonth 1
During this stage, we’ll take a deep dive into learning and understanding your business inside and out. We’ll capture this information via interviews, questionnaires, and due diligence document requests of financial, marketing and sales documentation.
Then, we’ll review and analyze your company’s:
Business Model & Offerings
- Industry market share for offerings
- Barriers to growth
Current Customers
- Relationship quality
- Satisfaction levels
Organizational Structure & Operational Maturity
- Staff & management evaluation
- Difficulty level in replacing staff and suppliers
- Owner dependencies
- Business contingency plans
Financial Fact & Figures
- Profit margins
- Revenue analysis
- Financial record keeping
- Cash flow
- Normalizations (add-backs)
- Owner’s salary & perks
- Expenses
Go-to-Market Strategies & Future Revenue Goals
- Specialization, verticalization and productization of services
- Scalability of offerings
- Expansion plans
- New profit streams & revenue potential
Exit Strategy Considerations
Then, we’ll create the following reports to examine your company’s current economic value:
Market-based Calculation of Value Report
Value Gap Analysis Score & Report
Followed up by a plan that outlines your recommended growth strategy development and operational improvement initiatives:
Business Value Transformation Roadmap
This roadmap will lead the way to turn your business into a top quartile growth and profit organization, enabling you to increase your company’s value by 50% or more.
We’ll complete this phase with a presentation to walk you through all of our findings and recommendations.
Scaling UpMonth 2
Which products and services have the greatest potential to rapidly scale up?
Together, we’ll create a road map for you to scale up the targeted products and services.
To increase your revenue and reduce your company’s dependence on you.
Satisfying CustomersMonth 3
How satisfied are your customers with your offerings?
Customer survey and industry benchmark to gauge your clients’ satisfaction with your company versus the largest, most successful competitors in your field.
To predict your company’s potential growth rate.
Growing Products and ServicesMonth 4
Which products and services have the greatest potential to grow and need the least investment?
In-depth review of your product and service mix.
To identify which of your product and services lines have the highest growth potential and lowest investment risk.
Locating Recurring RevenueMonth 5
How can you increase your recurring revenue?
Exercise to identify recurring annual revenue for your business.
To increase the value of your business, allow you to plan more efficiently and improve your cash flow and profitability.
Defending Your Market PositionMonth 6
What is your company’s positioning in the market?
Exercise to isolate the attributes and qualities of your business that give you a defendable market position.
To illustrate which marketing messages help you differentiate the most successfully from your competitors and is meaningful to your customers.
Reclaiming Your TimeMonth 7
How to minimize your company’s dependence on you personally?
Employee survey to uncover how knowledgeable they are about your company’s priorities and goals.
To identify areas where additional training, systems or processes are needed to allow your company to operate successfully without you.
Ending Staff & Client DependenceMonth 8
How to reduce reliance on any one customer or employee?
Two exercises – Employee Stack Ranking and The Customer Concentration Matrix to develop an action plan for reducing over-reliance on key employees and/or customers.
To decrease your business risk while increasing your value.
Benchmarking Your CustomersMonth 9
How to use the customer benchmark to track progress?
Review the survey used in M3 to evaluate progress.
To create an ongoing process of reviewing the benchmark, track progress and plan for improvements as needed.
Maximizing Cash FlowMonth 10
How to increase your cash flow coming from day-to-day operations?
Exercise to identify how to increase cash flow as well as low cash flow periods.
To implement your action plan to increase cash flow.
Building a Short ListMonth 11
How to develop a short list of potential acquirers for your business?
Tool to help Identify who the natural buyers of your business are and make a short list.
To cultivate relationships with businesses on the short list over the long term.
Clarifying Your Business and Life GoalsMonth 12
What are your most important business and life goals?
Exercise to help you clearly articulate your goals.
To use your goals to drive your decision making in meaningful ways.
This coaching program teaches you core concepts and provides action steps to increase the value of your company. You will be expected to actively participate in your own learning using video content, exercises and activities, weekly email check-ins and virtual meetings. Our combined efforts are critical to accelerating the value of your business during our year together and beyond.
“It was a terrific experience working with working with the team. Their valuation and advisory services process got us the results we wanted including a really clear understanding of where we were and the value levers that we needed to pull to get to where we wanted it to be.”
Shaun Skillin
former President, Internetwork Experts Corporation (acquired by MyTech Partners)